Sunday, December 6, 2009

What's Good for the Environment 's Good for Business

In his book Hot, Flat, and Crowded, Thomas Friedman talks as much about the realities of the world economy as he does about the purported subject of the book, global climate change. For those who may not have the book on their reading list, he's made the first two chapters available to anyone who may want to get a sense of what this very important and readable book is all about.

I don't believe anyone can speak with authority about economics or the environment without being familiar with Friedman's highly respected analyses. If you haven't read the book, enjoy!


Six said...

Since when did Friedman become the authority on economics OR the environment? I think you might be giving him a little too much credit there...

Sue said...

I am continually amazed that intelligent and educated people tend to take as "fact" anything that gets published. The reality is that people write books/articles reflecting their opinion. These are not absolute truths. Even statistics lie. Anything we read should be filtered through our knowledge from other sources and common sense, remembering that it is possible to look at the same data and arrive at a different but equally valid opinion.